«‎TheMovie4U» Free Watch Alita: Battle Angel

Genres - Thriller, Action; average rating - 7,8 of 10 stars; writed by - Laeta Kalogridis; Release year - 2019; director - Robert Rodriguez; Reviews - Alita: Battle Angel is a movie starring Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, and Jennifer Connelly. A deactivated cyborg is revived, but cannot remember anything of her past life and goes on a quest to find out who she is






I absolutely love the surrealistic effect the mixture between animation and real life creates. Am really excited for this. 0:36 Sagittarius and Zeus symbolized in one. Zeus is sagittarius, zeus throws lighning bolts, and here he throws lightning as an arrow, holding a bow. D Oh! And also i began to see 99 everywhere.

The Cinematography, sound effects & storyline.100% recommended 👍

This anime is awesome.😀.

Spooky. What an experience.

I am truly astonished at all the good reviews this movie got. I watched it with little expectations, and was expecting nothing more than shallow entertainment.

Positive aspect first: The CGI is amazing. The action scenes are great.

The negative aspects: Sound design, acting and script are SO cringey. It could've been a good movie with a different cast and better, less predictable writing. Even Cristoph Waltz loses his potential with the silly parts in Alita.

If you have nothing else to watch and don't care about the lack of substance or engaging dialogues, go for it. It is worth checking out for aesthetics.

53:00 tears: why do you bully me.

I hired it out and watching it rn.

Amazing, I truly loved this movie. I highly recommend it. Such a wonderful potryal of love and self exploration... I cried after a very long her. wish I could meet her. . 약품 the sign in the background about 4 mins in is korean for medicine. Thought you guys might want to know. 'This movie... I feel the connection to it. I've ordered my Blu-ray from Amazon yesterday as well as my last watch of Alita in Cinema for the sixth time. I swear going through these comments as someone who HASNT seen the movie you would think they paid people to leave positive reviews. Is the movie really that good.

It keeps skipping. This looks really weird I feel like the effects will be amazing and the story meh. Wait, alita was only 17 when she became a soldier. If the video is slow, long boot — change quality. The act of killing her dog, what she does with her dogs blood. epic. IMMENSELY enjoy this film. Creepy, ghastly, decrepit and gorgeous. Sticks with you, and is its own film, instead of being yet another wackass, lazy, useless ripoff of a classic. Love it just as much as the original & I was prepared to hate it, completely put off by the idea of a remake. until I heard the magic word 'Tilda' swoon* and saw the trailer. An instant new favorite.

This actually looks really good. Im down to watch the anime version before I watch this film. I can't believe how faithful James Cameron was to the source material. I don't write reviews very often but I was so awestruck after watching Alita I've been watching the trailers again non-stop since I got home and am seriously considering watching the movie again maybe on iMax, so why not write a review.
I've been waiting for Alita to hit theaters since the first trailer came out last year, and it didn't disappoint: she is simply adorable, and to accomplish something like this with a CGI character is an incredible feat on its own. But on top of that there's a good story, some of the best action scenes I've ever seen, and what's also great is that it feels like an actual movie, as opposed to a bunch of action scenes stitched together.
I'm not giving out any spoilers but I'll say this, Alita is now one of my favorite heroes of all time, it got me excited and with misty eyes throughout the entire flick and I left the theater with a smile on my face, can't wait for part 2! So, I'd have to say that it's as good as it gets.

0.39 I remember black skies, lightning all around me... New Divide lyrics there got me in chills. Chester forever. ❤️. Ill probably never understand why people like the original so much. After 4 times seeing it, conclusion is that its just a random average B Movie from the 70s with some unique visuals. I feel nothing from it. Unlike the remake. The remake is so much better I think. AND STOP STARIN' AT ME WITH THEM BIG OL' EYES. I can't believe this is a thing😳.

I've been waiting for this for so long

JAMES CAMERON. IT'S GONNA BE MEMORABLE +1. Lots of skips. If you haven't watched, stop reading this and go watch, enough said. Alita:HELP HE'S DIEING! Me:HE IS ALREADY DEAD HIS HEAD IS OFF HIS BODY.

My heart when I heard a remade version of New Divide

What is this? A bonus content on Blu-ray.



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